HID Bluetooth® Low Energy BEEKs Duress Beacons

BEEKs™ Bluetooth® Low Energy beacons (2400-2483.5 Mhz) are among the most advanced beacon badges in the industry. Worn as badges they can provide valuable insights on workplace utilization or help to ensure that everyone safely gets out of a building in emergency situations.

When combined with HID’s end-to-end IoT Services ecosystem, which includes BluFi™ Bluetooth Low Energy to WiFi gateways and the Bluzone™ cloud services, BEEKs can be centrally managed through the cloud and BluFi devices to transfer new messages, firmware updates and battery status checks remotely.

When the buttons on the backside of the BEEKs Button Badge Holder or the sides of the BEEKs Duress Keyfob are pressed, the LED will start to blink and will send an alert to the Bluzone Cloud (when in range of a connected BluFi). This can trigger several reactions customized by policy: an email send, an alert to screen, and an alert to report or API call to activate an alert that will also present on a custom dashboard or on the organization’s legacy system. These alerts are typically for distress or notification signals initiated by the wearer of the badge.

The duress badge is designed to hold a personalized ISO/CR80 card (2.13″ x 3.38″ (54 mm x 86 mm)) badge (with optional RFID) in horizontal format.

The BEEKs Keyfob provides an audible alert in addition to the LED and may be used either for duress applications or for physical distancing applications (BEEKs Aware function) to help keep people safe from infectious diseases.

Key Features

  • Secure — Built-in duress call button will raise an alert when pressed indicating the device location, ID and nearest BluFi
  • Multi-Purpose — Use as Bluetooth Low Energy beacon or in combination with any passive access card credential
  • Rapid Implementation — Gather real-time location data for workplace optimization, mustering, contact tracing or physical distancing

HID can also customize beacons to fit your unique requirements.

So let’s start the journey together and explore the many options RFDIGI can offer to help you on your road to IoT Integrated Solutions and Products.